
пятница, 22 апреля 2011 г.

Service Console - ESX Server Firewall Commands

The firewall built into ESX server uses iptables, the very commonly used Linux firewall. However to create the rules another esxcfg tool is used, which is esxcfg-firewall.

To list the services currently controlled by the firewall:
esxcfg-firewall -s

To list the firewall rules:
esxcfg-firewall -q [servicename]
esxcfg-firewall -q

Enable a service:
esxcfg-firewall -e [servicename]
esxcfg-firewall -e sshClient

Disable a service:
esxcfg-firewall -d [servicename]
esxcfg-firewall -d sshClient

Open a port:
esxcfg-firewall -o 465,tcp,out,out-smtps

Close a port:
esxcfg-firewall -c 465,tcp,out

Command Options:
-q|--query                                      Lists current settings.
-q|--query Lists setting for the
specified service.
-q|--query incoming|outgoing                    Lists setting for non-required
incoming/outgoing ports.
-s|--services                                   Lists known services.
-l|--load                                       Loads current settings.
-r|--resetDefaults                              Resets all options to defaults
-e|--enableService Allows specified service
through the firewall.
-d|--disableService Blocks specified service
-o|--openPort         Opens a port.
-c|--closePort             Closes a port previously opened
via --openPort.
--blockIncoming                              Block all non-required incoming
ports  (default value).
--blockOutgoing                              Block all non-required outgoing
ports (default value).
--allowIncoming                              Allow all incoming ports.
--allowOutgoing                              Allow all outgoing ports.
-h|--help                                       Show this message.

NOTE: For changes to show in VC/VI client restart mgmt-vmware.
/etc/init.d/mgmt-vmware restart

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